Digital designer with web design skills, focused on Front-End, providing user-friendly interfaces.
Experience in customer service, team player, project management, user management and database management, as well as experience giving support to international customers.
Passion for learning new programming languages, helping people, and getting experience in topics related to technology.
Currently in the logistics industry with the desire of learning about new topics related to this area, or my study environment; design.
Tracking coordinator for shipments between USA companies, as well as, account coordinator between accounts that are managed by account managers from another department whom are the ones in charge of creating the shipment orders, and the shipment progress itself. In charge of documenting info related to account, exceptions, amoung others.
Other certifications & Recognitions:
*Collaborate with Foundation Managers & Stakeholders to accompany and guide groups of children in extreme poverty from several national Schools during separate visits to the "Museo de los Niños", as well as prepare and distribute snacks & lunch for them.
*Compete in the official robotics competition in 2018, creating and programming a robot to help the environment or solve problems that affect it directly. The team had to use programming, building and team work skills to success in this competition, as well as, some coordination and organization while practicing in school.
*Participated of a Huawei challenge, where teams needed to create an application to resolve daily problems in society, such as delinquency, bullying and general violence. The teams programmed, designed and presented the application to members of the Mondragon University of Spain in order to judge it.